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Date: Wed, 27 Dec 1995 00:32:21 -0500
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From: James Jones/Nibbles and Bits <>
To: Multiple recipients of list <>
Subject: Plane to sphere
X-Listprocessor-Version: 6.0c -- ListProcessor by Anastasios Kotsikonas
Status: RO
X-Status: said:
>Does anyone know how to manually shape a plane to a sphere for a morph?
There's an article in the February 1995 issue of LWPro that talks
about that very subject... :)
In a nutshell, you can make a subdivided plane (on the X and Y axis)
and use the "Wrap-to-sphere" macro (Amiga and Intel) to create the morph
A few notes:
1. Before using the Wrap-to-Sphere macro, flip all the planes polys so
that they are facing the positive Z axis. (Otherwise the sphere will have
all its poly facing inward.)
2. After saving the result of the Wrap-to-sphere macro and hitting undo,
rotate the plane 180 degrees around the Y axis (to get the polys facing the
negative Z axis AND to correct the bug/feature of the Wrap-to-sphere macro
that makes your morph source object turn "inside-out" on its way to the
sphere target object) and THEN save the plane as the morph source object.
3. For a better-looking morph, first morph the plane part way to a
cylinder (use the Bend tool on each half of the plane to make a cylinder)
and then morph the cylinder to the sphere.
4. If the far side of the sphere will be visible, dissolve out the sphere
morph target and dissolve in a real sphere to get rid of the seam on the